Mobile Bosna or mobile Würstelstand

The classic in the Austrian fast food landscape is the sausage stand. For decades, it is a popular place to stopping for a snack. With a Hot Dog Ape They are agile and fast in the places where you will find people who need a snack: near office buildings, in schools or universities, or in front of train stations. If you will offer the sausages from a charming Ape out the snack for your customers to experience.

Individually decorated for a wide range

Gladly we equip also with a grill or build a one pastry toaster. Your Würstelstand-Ape Need also a cooling area? That too is not a problem! Although Ape looks small and delicate, but offers plenty of room indoors. So you can just offer your customers what they want. And everything is served in a unique ambiance. That leaves you wanting more!

The Piaggio Ape as a mobile hot dog stand - bon appétit!

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